Societies reinvent themselves and are on a continuous path to an end solution. A final product that answers all our questions and solves our entire problems, which we call utopia. When I use the word utopia, I understand its literal meaning and how utopia is merely an unrealized dream or a state of being that cannot be achieved. We have a judicial system, laws and executive powers to enforce the strict observation of these laws. We have governments who act on the will of its people and strive towards reaching a final zenith- which may take a long time, maybe centuries. Whatever the case may be, society and nations function with the belief and hope that there are end solutions and end points so to speak.
Our actions and governmental functions, when not disturbed by natural calamities and nature’s wrath, continue to function under the belief of reaching this apogee of perfection. While one may argue that perfection is subjective, all our endeavours and discussions are aimed at reaching a conclusion.
Having stated that, our notion of an existence of an idealistic state and its impossibilities impinges on our rights to think of a free and fair society. As I have state above, utopia is a distant dream, nevertheless a realistic dream we hope to achieve and believe in.
If we take utopianism and idealism in the strictest sense of the word, and succumb to its impossibilities, the need for laws and judicial systems are not necessary. It is akin to legalizing corruption because ultimately, the judicial system strives for idealism and hopes its existence can be minimalized and in the future, be eradicated.
When people ask me what is the point of living or why should we live or what is the purpose of living? I always tell them, the purpose of life, is a life of purpose. Living a purposeful life is in itself the beauty and the very purpose of living. Similarly, I believe that the purpose of humankind to strive for this idealism and achieve utopianism. So, arguing that one envisages a utopian dream and is unrealistic, is wrong. We all strive and work forward for this utopian dream. Societies function generation after generation in belief of an ideal. We pass on our fortunes and bless our beloved in the belief of an ultimate ideal.
It is as simple as stating that at some point we should start believing in governments to do what they’re precisely elected for. If we do not hope for governmental morals, then why elect and have governments? So shunning every argument that one is living in a mere state of utopia is laughable. We are all striving and living for utopia; for our next generation if not for ours and our actions can only determine its speed and deliverance.
thought provocking
thought provocking
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